Monday, January 23, 2023

P1: Photograms

Sailing in the Night
Sailing in the Light



    Photography 1 Compositions using                      opaque objects to experiment with light and dark.


Desk Drawer


Friday, January 20, 2023

Introduction Week 2: Portrait

 My name:
 Xavier Scott

Childhood ambition: I wasn't thinking about being anything really. I just loved Power Rangers and being around people.

Fondest Memory:

Proudest moment: Winning best in writing, 6 awards, and a $600 scholarship at North Dakota's 2021 Scholastic Art and Writing Award Competition.

Biggest challenge: Finding Purpose

Alarm clock: Stereotypical iPhone "By the Seaside" or the radio.

Perfect Day: gloomy weather, a good movie, and playing my music with a band

Indulgence: Movies, Stories, Music, and Writing

Favorite movie(s): 1917, Over The Garden Wall, Perks of Being a Wall Flower, Joker

Soundtrack: Any coming-of-age movie.

Inspirations: Nostalgia, People, Movies.

My life is: unpredictable. Most of us don't know what we're doing but we're all trying to make sense of it. That's what keeps us connected. :)

Week 6: Shallow Depth of Field